Meet Meeting the primary marketplace

Origin market is a Fintech startup, which has built first of the prime network connecting borrowers and dealers in the fixed income primary markets, simplifying the bond issuance process globally.

Domain: Fintech Startup

Meet Meeting the primary marketplace

Origin market is a Fintech startup, which has built first of the prime network connecting borrowers and dealers in the fixed income primary markets, simplifying the bond issuance process globally.

Domain: Fintech Startup

Summary of the Product

Origin is a marketplace that connects investors fixed income borrowers in the corporate bond market, which facilitates direct bond issuance.Bringing Simplicity to the Debt Capital Markets.

Below services were provided to Origin

Origin is a fully digital, front-to-back issuance platform for the global debt capital markets

Functional Testing 
System Integration Testing
Adhoc exploratory Testing
Compatibility Testing

Process and Tools

All the Defects raised and assigned to dev admin using the bug tracking tool JIRA

Weekly QA status report summarizing the test execution summary, List of bugs

raised trends and their status.

Testing is performed using Chrome,Firefox,Ie11,Edge in QA test Environment

Mind Bugging Stats

Total bugs raised -1681

Tested 125+ builds till date

Test Cases Designed - 476

Tested 125 + builds till today