Independent Software QA Testing Services

AI and QA the new best friends?

Is AI the viable future of QA? Leveraging AI in the newly emerging QA world.

Over the recent years, it’s evident that software development has significantly evolved and outgrown itself quite massively, bringing up some expected and complementary advances in the testing field. Other than a relentless marketing drive towards DevOps, some NexGen modern software developers are now certainly looking towards taking QA testing automation to its very next level. And that’s where precisely artificial intelligence (AI) comes to light.

The primary goal and whole point of a good QA are assuring clients in creating products that meet the market standardizations and requirements. Setting up a benchmark of sorts. And that’s a crucial piece to the puzzle to survive every thriving industry out there.

Deploying intelligent, iterative self-learning systems to identify patterns and features from statistically collected data sets and test cases.

Each time an AI-powered QA system completes a successful round of data processing, it meticulously analyzes the software performance by deploying algorithms emulating a mechanism that’s similar to a human’s learning brain while accounting for and developing an internal and added experience and expertise.

Now that’s made possible by machine learning (an integral aspect of AI). Ancillary H-Trainings will help us to extend what role AI can possibly take over in QA testing, how well AI really enhances the functionality of tools and the real perks of AI-Powered QA testing.

AI's share in QA testing?

Before we deep sea dive, it is IMPERATIVE to note that AI cannot function as an INDEPENDENT one in all solution. Contrary to all commonplace misconceptions, this tech doesn’t work all by itself yet, so it can’t definitely fully assume the roles of all the previously erstwhile available testing tools. Hence its primary need and application in QA testing, for now, is to significantly improve the QA process orientation by somewhat enhancing the existing functionalities of standardized conventional testing tools.

Traditional standardized testing tools have revolutionized and reformed the present QA testing process in more ways than others. These include automating repetitive and monotonic test cases, detecting and logging in bugs, and gathering statistical data on self-work and decision-making protocols. However, these still have many perilous limitations that significantly and overall undermine the effort mechanism to automate QA testing fully.

When using these conventional testing tools, architects and testers must do all the configurations manually. That involves developing test suites and generating test data to use with the tests. Manual handling of this step is time-consuming and increases the risk of errors – and that’s where AI precisely steps in.

Does AI effectively maximize the functionality of conventional testing tools?

In QA, AI owns the responsibility of configuring testing tools and controlling or overlooking its performance during systemic test runs. This technology also analyzes and
creates detailed study data reports of the entire process – quite the same way a human would study, analyze system performance, and provide a data report.

Nexgen software developers leverage AI trespassing the limitations of traditional QA testing tools to simply speed up the QA testing process. The available tech helps testers automatically generate test suites, quickly analyze software outputs and detect bugs/errors, and log defects that weren’t easy to identify with traditional test run-ins.

AI-powered QA superpowers

Revving up speed, ROI, and saving finances.
Leveraging AI in QA undoubtedly is a speedy revolution. Revving up the process saving financers some money. Whenever the source code is changed, testers using manual testing tools have to simply comply with oftentimes repetitive work. And that comes with a lot of time and money being idly spent. An AI-based testing system will handle these monotonous and seemingly tedious tasks quite easily without requiring immense human intervention on its part. That surely speeds up software testing big time and encourages the end products’ cost-effectiveness.
Perfect defect detections every time.
Minimizing manual test management, and leveraging AI in QA enhances and perfects overall defect detection and tracking skills. When using traditional testing methods, testers can oftentimes not notice cardinal flaws until they cause some high-priority system defects or substantial software problems. An AI-powered testing system overrules these limitations as it can successfully capture, record, and analyze data more efficiently and speedily than humans.
Glorifying test coverage
With an AI-powered testing system, developers can significantly improve the intensity, depth, accuracy, and overall scope of test cases. Unlike conventional manual handiwork, AI can easily and literally crawl through each and every file data, memory, data tables, and statistics to exponentially expand the test coverage quite beyond average human expertise. In every single test run, an AI-powered system can easily and effortlessly execute over 1000 different test cases altogether; that’s simply not feasible with manual tests anyways.
An Aggressive Approach to Regression
With more and more developers driving towards DevOps, regression testing now needs to be served hot and quick. Most developers almost quite typically carry out regression testing manually. There are a few cryptic regression test scenarios that do require or warrant the use of artificial intelligence to make it within the allocated timeline. In many such cases, modern NexGen developers are leveraging machine learning to generate test scripts for good reasons though. Using the available tech to cross-validate changes that would quite otherwise prove challenging and perilous enough to test using the manual hand-to-mouth techniques.
Is AI the next big thing in QA?
Summing up, the interchangeable roles of AI in QA testing will gradually and surely multiply with time, as it has over the recent decade. Via various digital transformation waves in QA testing, the neo-world developers are aggressively working their tails off to bridge the gap between the talk and hype (surrounding AI) and its reality. So, it’s a safe bet, at the moment, to say that AI is the future of QA testing in certain ways for sure.
About Thought Frameworks

Thought Frameworks is a U.S. based QA testing organization that’s been leading in the QA business since 2009, armed with the ultimate solutions for all your software OA testing challenges. We have headquarters both in California, USA, and a fully functional well equipped QA Test Lab in Bengaluru-India, delivering premium QA and QC services endlessly across different domains. An ISTQB Partnered Company, our superhuman test team heroes have delivered numerous QA and QC projects across the globe.

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