Functional Testing Services The Thought Frameworks Way!
Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying a software product, delivering what is expected to deliver a defect-free product. One of the testing modules is software functional testing. Two popular techniques for functional testing are testing based on requirements and testing based on business scenarios. Different provisions for functional testing solutions are smoke testing, regression testing, integration tests, usability testing, functional system testing, end to end testing, cross browser functional testing, multiversion and concurrent testing.
Validating a software based on the functional requirement/specifications is called software functional testing. The purpose of functional testing for a software application is to test each of its functional aspects by providing appropriate input and verifying the output against the functional requirements.
Software functional testing involves a black box testing procedure. This does not take into consideration the source code of the software application. Functional testing checks user interface, APIs, database, security, client and server communication. Software functional testing can be performed manually or it can be automated.
Functional testing avoids defect leakage on the tested Software, and also ensures the quality of the end product.
Functional Testing Services Bug Hunt Process
The two most popular functional testing techniques are:
Requirement based testing is a series of tests performed as per the functional specifications provided by the client and verifies the product against the same.
Business scenario-based testing is a series of tests performed as per the business functionality of the software from a business perspective.
What is a Functional Testing Plan?
Functional testing plan is defined as a quality measurement of the functional components of a system. It is testing the application from the customer’s view point
Types of Software Functional Testing Services
Smoke Testing is a preliminary test that is done to identify the build stability which identifies simple errors/failures which could impact a software release cycle.
Regression Testing ensures that an existing build is stable in terms of functionality and features post new updates like (New code, enhancements, fixing of bugs etc)
Integration Testing is a phase in which individual software modules are tested for it’s performance when they are expected to work in coherence with other modules and validate the end scenario.
Usability Testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction with the software design in order to evaluate the product based on its user. This reports the end user’s comfort level, ease of use, feedback, suggestions/complaint.
Functional System Testing is performed on a completed system. It verifies that each function of the software application with its modules and components is working in accordance with the given specification and requirements.
End to End Testing is done, once a functional, non-functional and system integration testing is complete, an end to end software testing is initiated with the goal is to simulate a real user scenario from the start to finish.
Our Approach
Our Software Functional Testing Service
- Understand the Functional Requirements
- Identify test scenarios, test input or test data based on requirements
- Evaluate expected outcomes with pre-determined test input values
- Execute test cases
- Compare actual and expected results.
- Provide test evidence for failed test scenarios are
- Capture logs along with the bugs logged.
- Revalidate the failed test scenarios to ensure bugs are fixed & closed.
Cross Browser Functional Testing
Multi browser testing is one of the common cross browser testing done to check that the Application Under Test (AUT) is looking consistent across multiple browsers like Safari, Chrome, Edge and Firefox. Compatibility is checked when the same test script is run over different browsers. With Smart test execution multiple browsers or devices can be covered.
Multi Version Testing: In this type of testing, AUT is tested across more than one version of the browser, such as Mozilla Firefox 10 onwards or IE 10, 11.
Concurrent Testing is monitoring the effect while multiple users perform the same action at the same time. This is also called multi-user testing.
The Functional Testing Services Tools
Bug tracking tool- Jira
- Rally
- Zephyr
- Xray
- Test Rail
- Fiddler
- Bird eats bug
- Snag it
When Should you perform Software Functional Testing?
The ideal time to perform functional software testing is when the product is in the build phase or has passed the smoke test phase.
Other recommended testing services one must opt for along with software functional testing are.
Non-functional software testing checks for aspects like performance, reliability, capability & other non-functional aspects of the software system.
A Typical Functional Testing Service Environment at Thought Frameworks
- A dedicated team of specialized testers
- Complete quality assurance and reliability on every project
- Cover every aspect of website & mobile app testing
- We make sure that the website & mobile app is easy to use in terms of performance for the end users
Value additions
We suggest to enhance experiences.
- Ensured that errors are intentionally added to the test cases & capture all the errors with the test cases.
- Checked for the consistency validation messages for Success, Error and warning for all Sprints.
- Converting queries to bugs and bugs to test cases.
- For web issues we capture the logs and add in issues to ensure development gets enough information in fixing the bugs.
- Brainstorming sessions done regularly to understand the features and list missing scenarios.
Frequently Asked Questions with Our Answers
1.How do you cover multiple browsers & mobile devices when you have less time?
We use smart test execution when there is less time or when the sprint duration is short, to ensure that we test based on the priority.
2.Communication between clients & QA team?
We communicate on slack or skype to clarify queries regularly if any and ensure that communication between the development team and testing team is on the same page.
3.How does TF manage the regular test cycles?
We send Daily status reports, Weekly status reports and have weekly calls with clients.
4.How do we design test cases?
Refer wireframe tools like figma and design test case with test case design techniques such equivalence partition, Boundary value analysis and error guessing.
5.How do we cover multiple mobile devices testing?
We have a mobile test lab along with that we are using Browser stack for all the projects.
The Thoughframeworkers and their experience in Functional Testing
Adding value to Functional Testing requirements:

Increase the number of development cycles

Achieve Resilience and ease of execution

Greater Scalability